29. srpnja 2017. Internet & tisak

Nova Turska u srcu Europe

"Bruxelles mora reagirati na situaciju u Poljskoj i zato Europska komisija razmišlja o aktiviranju članka 7. Ugovora u EU, koji štite njene temeljne vrijednosti. No, nitko ne želi "novu Tursku" u Europskoj uniji", rekao je zastupnik Picula u razgovoru za Slobodnu Dalmaciju.

"I believe that the European Commission is ready to initiate a vote-revoking procedure for a member of the EU under Article 7 of the Treaty of Lisbon, because it is about violating democratic standards and endangering the principles of power-sharing. Although it may be expected that it will be supported by the necessary four fifths of vote, 80 percent, it is hard to expect to meet the requirements of Article 7.2, which foresees that measures must be prescribed by consensus."

You can read the full article on the link.

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