February 23, 2016 Questions to the EU Commission

Picula on the protection of citizens during online shopping

On the occasion of launching a platform to help consumers and merchants, MEP Tonino Picula asked European Commission what they will do to achieve full coverage of all Member States and sectors, concerning on-line shopping.

A platform to help consumers and merchants with internet shopping disputes helps connect about 117 bodies for alternative dispute resolution from 19 member countries.

For consumers and traders in Croatia as well as in the eight Member States of the European Union, the resolution of disputes about domestic purchasing via Internet and for all other European consumers who buy products from these countries, the service is not available which is why MEP Picula adressed the Commission.

Picula points out that it is necessary to remove every possible obstacle for the development of Internet-based shops on both sides – with traders and with customers - and first of all to encourage consumer confidence.

"In addition to traditional consumer habits of Croats that are very difficult to change, the manipulation of credit cards in cross-border shopping and the occasional cases of fraudulent business practices (experience of the 25 percent of consumers) and the fact that about 32 percent of the Croats never purchased on-line, the inaccessibility of these platforms only restricts even more online spending that is available to the vast majority of European citizens".

The full article can be read at the following link.

Picula: Make on-line trading safe

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