March 22, 2017 Office Projects

Conference - 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome

MEP Tonino Picula participated in the conference "The future of the European Union: Achievements, Challenges, Perspectives", and ahead of the summit that will be held in Rome on 25 March, to mark the 60th anniversary of signing the Treaty of Rome.

"The EU was launched by several visionaries after the World War II, but today it needs support in the polling boxes. Strengthening the capacity of the democratic right and legitimacy of the European institutions, is an important element of the solutions for the problems of the EU. The history of the EU is the history of tvarious referendums at which citizens often said "no" to the various proposals which wanted to change EU should change from the community of States into a common State. Today, we are faced with the same dilemma. It is certain that the European project can no longer be the project of political elites", said MEP Picula at a Conference on the future of the European Union on the occasion of 60 years from signing of the Treaty of Rome.

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