April 19, 2016 Committees / Intergroup

Tightening border security

MEP Picula participated on the Committee on Foreign Affairs meeting in Brussels. He is shadow rapporteur on the AFET opinion on changes of Directive of the reinforcement of checks against relevant databases at external borders.

MEP Picula thanked the rapporteur de Sarnez on the opening and the suggestions of amendments with which we largely agree.

He reminded that the tragic consequences of the recent terrorist attacks in France and Belgium, pointed out numerous shortcomings of the current system of controls at the borders of the EU, but also on the lack of exchange of information among the Member States.

"As we have heard, the purpose of this proposal is to oblige the Member States to the previews database of lost and stolen documents carried out systematic controls of persons with the right of free movement in accordance with Union law when they cross the external border to make sure these people do not represent a threat to public order and internal security. Such a combination of systematic control rubric that relate to documents and persons in the relevant databases will enable synergies and in the structure of the system that currently are not possible due to the discrepancies between the possible systematic checking of documents and unsystematic checking for security reasons", Picula said.

Although it is assumed that there will be such a systematic check carried out simultaneously, it will definitely have implications on technical, technological, administrative and human resource aspects of border control, in particular on the most frequent border crossings.

"You must take into account the improvement of the capacity for this kind of checking, because the existing contactless (wireless) technology enables fast enough the exclusion of biometric data, their verification in existing systems and storage in the new systems, which would in particular seasonal loads could cause long delays."

He concluded that, in relation to an earlier practice when the citizens passed only a minimum of authentication of documents and sporadic checks in the appropriate databases, the Commission's proposal is considered founded.

You can see the whole speech in the video.

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