November 13, 2017 Internet & Press

Islands as the core of solution and not a problem

"Experience shows: when the number of options declines, we must create new opportunities. Islands currently don't have a special status within the existing cohesion policy, which I want to change. I believe that islands will soon get a special status within the European budget, but also in the eyes of those observing them from the land". Read the rest in the column by MEP Tonino Picula.

"The Water Saving Challenge project and my approach to the islands are based on inversion: how can islands help the land and not the other way round. Bringing the island into the core of solution instead of core of the problem, is what makes our initiative and research different. My goal is to help the islands, but the key to achieving this goal is to change the way we look at the problems. The insularity was seen for a long time solely as a barrier that should either be mitigated or completely eliminated. Trying to make changes I will increase the intensity of debates on the island problems that we are having throughout Croatia and the whole European Union", Picula said.

 You can read the whole column on the link. 


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